to Jem, there was an occasion where he had seen Boo’s tracks in their backyard. One night he heard Boo scratching on their back screen but by the time Atticus got to the door he was gone. Also, there is profound evidence stating that Boo’s diet mainly consists of any squirrels or cats that he finds while lurking at night. Since Boo eats these creatures raw it explains, according to Jem, why his hands are stained permanently with blood. This adds to his gruesome and morbid appearance. Because of Boo’s precarious history this explain why so many people lock up tightly at night with fear that he will come into their homes. Second, I predict the kids will not meet Boo because he is always locked in the house, I have two reasons supporting this.
First the family does not come out. According to the book, it said that that they did not even come out on Sundays to go to church. Going to church was Maycomb's main recreation so immediately suspicion arose from this. Also, the Radley’s windows were always closed and there were no screen doors. During that time closed doors or windows were mainly permitted during sickness or cold weather only. Both Mr. and Mrs. Radley rarely come out of the house. This is supported by evidence in the book where it states that Mrs. Radley seldom if ever crosses the street after mid-morning for a coffee break and has never joined a missionary circle. While Mr. Radley comes out at eleven thirty every morning and in rain or shine will be back home by eleven. Other than these rare and far between sightings the Radleys are very elusive. My second reason that Boo is locked up is the stories about why he is locked up. First Boo had a history of being in a gang. Boo’s gang activities were not only frowned upon by his family but by the whole town and cause leariness and suspicion about him. Their main offenses were hanging around the barbershop, riding the bus to Abbottsville on Sundays and going to the picture show, attending dances at the riverside gambling hell, and profane language in the presence of ladies. Also a famous story in Maycomb about Boo is his stabbing of
his father in the leg. According to Miss Stephanie Boo had been sitting in the living room cutting items from the Maycomb Tribune to put in his scrapbook. When Mr. Radley walked by Boo drove the scissors into his leg. After doing this he proceeded to pull then out and carry on with his prior activities. Another story on why Boo is lock up is that Mr. Radley had no intention of any member of his family to appearing being insane. With Boo’s recent activities this was not a very far off accusation. Ultimately you can see my prediction of the kids not meeting Boo is clearly backed up by evidence.