Chapter 2 1. The chapter begins by explaining in detail what the bunkhouse is; it’s a long rectangular building with whitewashed walls and small square windows. 2. Against the walls were eight bunks and over each bunk there was a box nailed on it so that each one can have its belongings in it, like soap, razors, powder, etc. 3. Then came an old man and opened the door and showed George and Lennie the place, he’s a man without an arm and with his stick like arm pointed the two bunks.…
Unlike Lennie, however, George does change as the story progresses. The reader learns that he is capable of change and growth during his conversation with Slim, during which he admits that he once abused Lennie for his own amusement. From this incident George learned the moral lesson that it is wrong to take advantage of the weak. Of Mice and Men follows him toward a difficult realization that the world is designed to prey on the weak. At the start of the novella, George is something of an idealist. Despite his hardened, he believes in the story of their future farm that he tells and retells to Lennie. He longs for the day when he can enjoy the freedom to leave work and see a baseball game. More important than a ball game, however, is the thought of living in safety and comfort with Lennie, free from people like Curley and Curley’s wife, who seem to exist only to cause trouble for them. Lennie is largely responsible for George’s belief in this safe haven, but eventually the predatory nature of the world asserts itself and George can no longer keep that belief. By shooting Lennie, George spares his friend the painful death that would be given by Curley’s lynch mob, but he also puts to rest his own dream of a perfect world.…
Curley's wife is the only women in the ranch, as we learned from the previous chapters, and is not given a name as she is seen as Curley's property.…
The novel “Of mice and men” opens with two migrant workers, George Milton and Lennie Small who are on their way to harvest an available job. Lennie is a great strength guy but has problem with soft thing and George who is intelligent, has to take care of Lennie. After being hired, they meet Candy, old swamper who has an old loyal dog and Curley, the boss’s son who doesn’t like Lennie. When Candy overhears the conversation between George and Lennie about their dream, he suggests to join with them. Not long after, their happiness is obscured when Curley perturbs with Lennie but he doesn’t fight back until George tells him to do it. After that, he catches Curley’s fist and breaks it easily. George doesn’t happy when Lennie and Candy discuss about their plan with Crooks and he asks to work without payment. The next day, when Lennie is squirming with dead puppy, Curley’s shows up and confides about her life. Lennie becomes frightened and accidently kills her. Nevertheless, George unhappily realises that their dream is at the end, he then shoots Lennie in the back of head so that his death will be indolent.…
This conveys the point of him constantly advising Lennie not to do certain things just like a father would do to his child. George’s complaint – “Life would be so easy without Lennie” – and Lennie’s counter-complaint – “I could just live in a cave and leave George alone” – are not really sincere. They are staged, hollow threats, like the threats of parents and children (“I’ll pull this car over right now, mister!”). Similarly, George’s story about how “things are going to be,” with rabbits and a vegetable garden and the fat of the land, also has a formulaic quality, like a child’s bedtime story. Children (like Lennie) love to hear the same tale repeated countless times; even when they have the story memorized, they love to talk along, anticipating the major turns in the story and correcting their parents if they leave out any details. “The rabbits” is Lennie’s bedtime story, and while George isn’t exactly a parent to Lennie, he is nevertheless parental. George is Lennie’s guardian – and in guarding Lennie, George is in effect guarding innocence itself. The content of Lennie's thoughts, and of Lennie and George's eventual conversation, also mirrors the opening. Lennie repeats the child-like, ritualistic cycle of separation and…
While reading “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck you would be able to find some literary techniques and devices that he used. Some of them are diction and style. Diction is the choice and use of words in a formal or informal way of writing and the style is the method used to express ideas that can be suspense, dramatic or tragedy.…
According to the 1st to 16th page of the book “Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck”. The first story that explained the Salinas River where located a few miles south of Scoledad and is beautiful. In the evening of a hot day, two men emerged on this area. The first man was small and quick that call “George”; however another man was a huge man that call “Lennie”. In that time, Lennie drank water from the river, and George reminded him that he will gain sick again(John,3) . After that, they discussed together. George saw something in Lennie’s pocket that is a mouse; George threw to another side of river. He said that we would like to work on ranch like the one we came from up north(John,6). In the evening time while they prepared for camping overnight.…
When the author first introduces Curley’s Wife he says this about her, “She wore a cotton house dress and red mules, on the insteps of which were little bouquets of red ostrich feathers.” (31) the author describes her, how she looks but the author does not give us her name at all. Instead he let’s the other characters give her names, this is why Curley’s Wife deserves our sympathy for her.…
The first thing that struck me about Curley's wife was that we never find out her real name. Without exception, she is always referred to in direct relation to Curley. I find this to be very important for a number of reasons. Firstly, it suggests Curley's possessive nature, and portrays his wife as a mere 'belonging' of his, rather than a partner or an equal. Secondly, and particularly more prominently, is the way in which her being nameless immediately establishes Curley's wife as a symbol rather than a character. The other men markedly view her as a symbol of temptation- 'Wait'll you see Curley's wife.' She is very obviously different to all the other people in the story; Curley's wife is the only female character in the novel, and is additionally a stereotype of women: a distraction and a provocation, described very early on as 'having the eye' for other men despite being married, and looked at as a 'tart' and a 'looloo,' in the crude words of the ranch workers.…
She is only referred to as ‘Curley’s Wife’. Her lack of identity could mean that she is not woman but a possession of her husband. That is why she has no name because her identity is just being Curley's wife. As this character develops, we find that she is not as unimportant as we first perceived her as, but she is a quite complex and interesting character, with much more about her than what we first thought.…
He likes to touch soft things around him but always brings harassment to them, he was so easy to get afraid and bathed his face in tears. He was just a child, but god gave him the strength that he cannot control, gave him duty that a child cannot handled. Everything around Lennie was so difficult, he cannot understood why he and George need to go around the whole country to find a job, he cannot understood why George was always get mad on him but never say that he going to leave him. Lennie cannot be independent, so he chose to rely on George, or actually, he must rely on George to survive in the dark age they live, the age of high-unemployment and…
In both Lord of the Flies by William Golding and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck evident components of friendship are persuaded throughout the storyline, particularly in Lennie and George’s friendship in Of Mice and Men and Ralph and Piggy’s friendship in Lord of the Flies. In both books the authors focus on the natural dependence human beings have on each other. Of particular importance is the bond the characters share being outsiders, the dependence they have on one another, the respect they share, the theme of survival, the sacrifice that comes with love and the contrast in their personalities.…
Just by reading the first few pages of the book it becomes apparent that he plays the role of the protagonist in the novella. It is almost undisputed that, anomalies aside, that George is Lennie’s protector and friend. He means no harm and he almost always acts with his friend’s disabilities and needs in mind. A prime example is the fact that George stays by Lennie even after saying, “if I was alone I could live so easy. I could go get a job an’ work, an’ no trouble. No mess at all…’ ‘An’ whatta I got,’ George went on furiously. ‘I got you! You can’t keep a job and you lose me ever’ job I get. Jus’ keep me shovin’ all over the country all the time’”(103). One must keep in mind that George knows the benefits that leaving Lennie will bear and still stays by Lennie’s side. Also, George took offence to Slim’s comment about Lennie being a “cuckoo”(39) and defends Lennie, playing the devil’s advocate and fighting for those who can’t defend themselves.…
Consider the characters and how they are characterized so far in the text. How are they represented? What struggles do they have? How would you characterize them? Have any of the characters undergone any significant changes so far in the text?…
He chose that moment in particular because it puts the blame of his leaving on…