Popular Holdings is a Singapore-based company that is listed on the Singapore Exchange. Popular is best known for its chain of Popular Bookstores under the Retail and Distribution unit. The Group currently carries out its publishing activities through subsidiaries operating in countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Canada. Its bookstore operations have a network of over 90 Popular Bookstores and 360 Popular managed bookstores with its core businesses in retail, distribution, publishing and e-learning.
2. History of the Company
|1924 |Popular started in Singapore under the trade name of Cheng Hing Company, established by the late Mr Chou Sing Chu. It distributed |
| |Chinese storybooks. |
|1930 |Established World Book Company in Singapore to distribute Chinese books and later moved into the publishing business. |
|1936 |Established Popular Book Company in Singapore to sell Chinese books. |
|1949 |Incorporated World Publishing Company in Hong Kong to publish magazines and Chinese books for both local and Asian markets. |
|1952 |Set up United Publishing House Pte Ltd in Singapore and Malaysia to publish textbooks. |
|1975 |Started offering English titles in Singapore and was positioned as "The Bilingual Bookshop". Business grew dramatically. |
|1984 |Opened the first bilingual bookshop in Malaysia. |
|1990 |Introduced the POPULAR Card to cultivate customer loyalty. |
|1993 |Expanded the business
Bibliography: Note regarding in-text citations: “(Survey, 2012)” refers to the survey questions done by the group members for this project. The survey questions and survey results can be found in the appendix. Chong. (2011, Dec 10). Malaysia Students. Retrieved from http://www.malaysia-students.com/2011/12/students-will-get-rm200-book-voucher.html Chua, A Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE). (2012). CPFTA & Lemon Law. Retrieved from http://www.case.org.sg/cpfta.html Department of Statistics Singapore Euromonitor International. (2012). Consumer Expenditure on Education. Euromonitor International. (2012). Country Factfile : Singapore. Retrieved from http://www.euromonitor.com/singapore/country-factfile Lui, J Media Development Authority. (2011). Publications and Audio Materials. Retrieved from http://www.mda.gov.sg/Policies/MediaClassification/Pages/PubandAudioMatrials.aspx Ministry of Education Singapore Popular Holdings Limited. (2009, October). { prologue }. Hot Spots Guide. Singapore, Singapore, Singapore: Popular Holdings Limited. Popular Holdings Limited. (n.d.). Annual Report 2012. Retrieved Oct 27, 2012, from Poular Holdings Limited: http://popular.listedcompany.com/misc/ar2012/ar2012.pdf Popular Holdings Limited Stuart, A. (2010). When Should Kids Learn to Read, Write, and Do Math? Retrieved October 23, 2012, from WebMD - Better information. Better health.: http://children.webmd.com/features/when-should-kids-learn-read-write-math Wee, W Melody Zaccheus (2012, Aug 10). MasterCard cardholders spent $1.74b during GSS. Retrieved from The Straits Times: http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/singapore/story/mastercard-cardholders-spent-174b-during-gss