Here is a list of project ideas that you may select from to satisfy your project requirements. Project Path students must do three different types of projects during the semester (e.g., a poster, a piece of artwork, and a book report). This list is not meant to limit you. If you have an original idea, or if one of these ideas gives you another idea, let me know and we will discuss it!
SERVICE LEARNING: You may develop a service learning project that relates to any topic in the class and receive project credit PLUS credit toward your 24 hours of community service. The project must be something new that you begin during this semester. Write an essay of at least two pages explaining what you did and what you learned from the experience. Provide a copy of …show more content…
Book Review: Left Behind (the second coming of Christ).
Book Review: God’s Radar by Fran Arrick.
Poster Art: Create a poster that illustrates the variety of religions in the U.S. Include demographics.
Book Review: Religion and Politics: Issues in Religious Liberty by Gary McCuen.
Political Cartoon: Draw a cartoon that analyzes religion as a powerful agent of social control.
Deviance and Social Control
Interview: Arrange an interview with an inmate at Sanger Powers Correctional Facility in Oneida. Include your questions on the project proposal form.
Persuasive Paper: Write a 3- to 4-page paper that states your theory regarding why criminal behavior exists. Incorporate information regarding cultural transmission, structural-strain theory, control, conflict, and labeling theory.
Report: Research and report crime rates locally, statewide, and nationally. Discuss possible reasons for trends and differences in the various statistics.
Art: Create an art piece demonstrating your beliefs regarding causes of criminal