Presented to Dr. Mario Garcia
In partial fulfillment of the requirements of
Introduction to Pastoral Counseling
PACO 500
Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary
Lynchburg, VA
Feburary 3, 2013
My Summation: James Petersen’s book Why Don’t We Listen Better, is a true guide in making relationships better with better communication. This book does not just help people communicate better in a work environment such as ministry or a counseling setting, but in everyday interactions with people and relationships. Petersen discusses the Flat Brain Theory and Flat Brain Tango, which shows why people have problems/ issues concerning listening to each other. Also the book teaches on how to be a more effective listener with thrity different listening techniques. Petersen is not just a writer, but has over forty years of actual experience in counseling and pastoral ministry. The author lays out many techniques and teaches skills about communicating not for to sake of an individual getting ahead, but rather that people gain a deeper connection with one another on all levels, from all different struggles and walks of life. Petersen’s book starts by exlpaining the Flat Brain Theory of Emotions. This shows how hard it is to communicate properly when our emotions are so out of control. It actually shows how good listening can often get us back to a healthy place when it comes to our emotions. The book also discusses the use of the Talker Listener Card (TLC). The TLC helps aid in a healthy give and take of talking to one another, while keeping us in check to listen first and then talk. The book also gives those listening techniques mentioned earlier, but the great thing is it also teaches how to use those techniques and what else to watch out for when it comes to communication traps. This book is an aid to people not just trying to better communicate to other individuals, but to groups and
References: Petersen, James, C. 2007. Why Don’t We Listen Better: Communicating & Connecting in Relationships. Portland, OR: Petersen Publications.