History: Emergence of the modern United States Portfolio
Booker T Washington: I’m completely against imperialism. I’m against the act America took on taking the Asian pacific islands and Hawaii.
Theodore Roosevelt: Why would you be against it? Imperialism is a new concept; it will strengthen the military, and also establish the country as a world power.
Booker T Washington: I agree that imperialism would strengthen the military, however I don’t agree about the taking of Asian pacific islands and Hawaii.
Theodore: The United States had dreamed of building a canal in Central America.
Booker T Washington: Well, I’m sure you have interesting ideas, but I don’t want to be a part of anything concerning imperialism.
Theodore: Everyone believes in imperialism, so I don’t understand why you don’t want to be apart pf it.
Booker T Washington: Everyone does not believe or like imperialism. American’s is falling for Social Darwinism, and American’s is embracing social Darwinism was that they had long believed that god had granted them the right and responsibility to settle frontier.
Theodore: Once people get to know more about the imperialism they will forget all about the social Darwinism.
Booker T: One of the causes of imperialism about nationalism and social Darwinism is that imperialist feel a moral duty to spread their culture to peoples they feel inferior. Also you’re group is trying to take Philippines.
Theodore: We could not give the Philippines back that would be cowardly and dishonorable.
Booker T: So you guys is taking and controlling other people?
Theodore: we have no choice but to take them all and educate the Filipinos and uplift and civilize them.
Booker T: That’s basically controlling them which might start trouble or war imperialism is just wrong.
Theodore: The united states have a responsibility to govern the Filipinos if the United States gave up the Philippines other nations would take control of them.
Booker T: Imperialism is a crime and I and others take it as “open disloyalty to the distinctive principles of our government.”