Product and Price
Right at the beginning of the service encounter at a Boost Juice store, prices have to be all clear to the customer. The price range can vary in a minimal way thus several different target groups could be addressed. There are different price strategies which could be applied to the Boost products. In this case it is recommended to stick to the common price strategy as it is used in Australia. The prices for Boost products such as smoothies, freshly squeezed juices or fruit crushes should be in the same price range as comparable products at direct competitors e. g. Zumo Juice Bars and Juice Master Ltd. Even McDonalds or Subway could be good indicators for the price range as Boost Juices Bars represent a healthy fast food alternative. (Boost Juice Bars Australia, Janine’s Success Story) It is important that the menu is clear and in this case translated into the Turkish language. The strong patriotic attitude of Turkish people assumes that they would approve this procedure. As Istanbul and Ankara are also popular cities for tourists it is recommended to have an English version of the menu as well. The following figures show such a tentative draft of a possible menu in a turkish version which include all products and prices. All images used in this case study which show any kind of Boost product and environment are the property of Boost Juice Bars Australia. The range of products is translated as well as modified into the Turkish language and should only give a possible menu implementation for Boost Juice Bars in Turkey.
orjinal 9,80YTL orta 8,90YTL cocuklar 7,00YTL
Az yagli Smootiler
Taze meyvelerden ve dondurulmus yogurttan yapilmis %98 düsük yag orani iceren smootiler!
Bögurtlen Bandosu cilek, frambuaz, yaban mersini, elma suyu, TD4 cilekli yogurt & dondurma
Mango Büyüsü
Mango, muz, mango nektari, TD4 vanilyali yogurt & dondurma
Kral William Cikulatasi
Cikulata, muz, az yagli süt yada soya, TD4
Bibliography: Boost Juice Bars Australia 2008, A Bit About Boost, viewed 20 April 2011, Boost Juice Bars Australia, BBB_Study 2006/2007, viewed on 03 May 2011, Boost Juice Bars Australia, Janine’s Success Story, viewed 19 April 2011, KOM Media & Marketing GmbH, 04/2009, viewed on 01 May 2011, Werben & Verkaufen - Langfristige Nachwuchs- Planung, Türkische Umfelder schaffen Emotionen, p. 34-36, Press Agency Ozgurluk For justice 1999, democracy and human rights in Turkey and Kurdistan!, viewed on 01 May 2011, Sansal, Burak 1996–2010, All About Turkey, Sports in Turkey, Football, viewed on 02 May 2011, Weston, Shaun, Janine Allis, Boost Juice, media release, 12 January 2008, viewed 01 May 2011, Images