Title: Boot Camp for Bad Child (Northwestern Academy) by Cheryl DiBernardo
Topic: I am going to be talking about North Western Academy. This is a camp where they sent adjudicated delinquents placed by the Juvenile courts across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Thesis: I going to be talking about the different Programs at the Northwestern Academy.
• Attention-getter: Hand out Phamlet about the place. These phamlets will tell a little about the programs that they offer.
• Establish credibility: This program has been in operation for 1-5 years
• Preview: Most of us probably have not heard much about this program just like I didn’t. But after I did some research on the place I found that I was a lot more comfortable that my son would be going there.
I. Building Bridges
A. This program serves dependent and delinquent girls ages 12-18 in a staff intensive residential setting. The program provides a safe haven for girls at risk of more restrictive levels of care or for those who may be transitioning from a more secure residential program. Treatment services, the competency-based curriculum and behavioural interventions are designed and implemented around the six domains of adolescent female development.
II. Challenge, Achieve and Success (C.A.S.)
A. This program is designed for young men ages 12-18 in need of structure and support in an open setting. The C.A.S program utilizes a highly structured, strength-based philosophy that fosters youth individuality. The program focuses on: education, wilderness and outdoor experiences, physical exercise, wellness training, community service, victim awareness, substance abuse awareness, and positive peer group interaction. Within the context of a normative system, youth experience and develop competency skills for responsible behaviour, teamwork, stress management, communication, leadership and self image.
III. Vocationally
References: http://www.nhsonline.org/services/juvenile-justice/residential-programs.html