The film Borat is about a man from Kazakhstan who visits the USA with a cameraman to make a documentary about the lifestyle of Americans. During his trip, he meets a lot of different types of people, including some women of the feminist club and a Jewish family. Almost all of his reportages go wrong, as he is not really the smartest and best reporter.
When he suddenly finds a magazine about Baywatch, he sees a beautiful picture of a woman, Pamela Anderson. He decides to go on an adventurous trip to find the woman of his life. Finally he finds Pamela Anderson, but he tries to kidnap here and he gets caught by the police. Then, when you think everything has gone wrong for Borat, he decides to marry a prostitute, which he really loves. Happy ending.
The whole film is ironic, for example that he is anti-gay but he kisses men and not women. The film also has some attitudes towards gypsies and Jewish people, Borat doesn’t like gypsies and Jewish people. It was sometimes very hard to laugh at scenes where he was making very rude jokes about for example gypsies and Jewish people. The film looks simple, but actually it is very complicated, as it uses a lot of irony, satire, pathos and satires throughout the movie. So, Borat (also the director of the movie), turns out to actually be a very creative film writer!
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