and particular reference were made towards the fact that they gave birth to their child. The current study also revealed that the mothers were in between the emotions of moving on in their life as well as the desire to have their own child. Overall response found from the study revealed that emotional as well as physical reactions were addressed after their children were removed. At this point, the need for extra support were feared as other will consider it negatively. The idea of powerlessness which remained the theme all over in participant’s stories also reported examples where major decisions were made without any consultation.
The study brings forth various important themes, where as important factors to notice are that future recommendations are also included in study.
It is important for all clinical professional to be clear the reason behind removing the child and it is necessary to guide them accordingly with patience and care. It should be a part of entire removal procedure and not just for a specific event. Strong communication and conversation should be done with the mothers to make them feel safe and try to find out their fear and feelings as well. Mother with learning disability should be informed and guided regarding their right for advocacy and legal representation.
Providing clear reasoning and understanding their emotions is necessary for the practitioners to follow.
Psychological and physical wellbeing of mothers with learning disability needs to be monitored from services, not only for short time period but for longer term after the loss, where reflection of emotions will be difficult for the mothers to handle as after several months later from the loss they will have a psychological reaction that will impact on future life of mothers. Services must notice that loss may affect other people as well that are closely linked with the
Concluding Remarks
There seems to be an overpowering effect of ‘powerful others’ on mothers with learning disabilities. Before they would discover the feeling of becoming a parent, society will discourage them to go for it and that they will fail to cope with parenting standard in order to protect their child. When mothers with learning disability ‘fails’, powerful others remove the child. There appears to be slight intervention with in the entire process. Only free mother have supporters and child is adopted, at times, decision are not made from the court. For the mothers, the decision appears to be a predetermined conclusion where they have very limited or no control and choice.
Furthermore, for several mothers revealing their true feelings is just life to prove themselves wrong or verifying their inability to be in a role of a mother. The feeling of mothers, therefore seems to hinder and they often try to restrict their imagination and thought for having a child. This once again is dependent on the decision of powerful others to better decide what to do and what not to. Thus, there is a need for professional in understanding the role and responsibility to get stronger communication with mothers regarding their opinion and feelings.