1. Make sure you know the following words: to interfere with
мешать, вредить inscrutable [In'skru:tqb(q)l] загадочный, непостижимый entity ['entItI] сущность, существо, организм to overpower
подавлять machinery [mq'Si:n(q)rI] структура intact
нетронутый, неповрежденный, целый crucial ['kru:S(q)l] решающий, критический to impart
придавать, сообщать to promote
способствовать, помогать fracture ['frxktSq] перелом, трещина, разрыв awry [q'raI] неправильный template
матрица rabies ['reIbi:z] бешенство scrapie
почесуха (вет.) strain [streIn] штамм 2. Read and translate the text.
VIRUSES AND SUBVIRUSES Viruses and subviruses are not cellular. Therefore, by definition they are not living because their primary units are not cells. Even so, they interact with living organisms in many fundamental ways, interfering with their cellular processes, and are capable of causing a number of very real symptoms. In fact, these tiny, inscrutable, nonliving entities are responsible for over 60 million common colds each year in America alone, as well as for a number of other major scourges and epidemics, including AIDS.
The fact that viruses share properties of most living organisms provides good reason to include them in their own noncellular category of life. Were this to be sanctioned by most scientists, it would require expanding the definition of life as it currently stands to include noncellular entities that contain genes. Should such a revision ever occur, viruses might form their own kingdom. Viruses are, on the average, from 10 to 100 times smaller than the typical bacterium, making them too small to be seen by most optical microscopes. In 1931, the invention of the electron microscope broke this light barrier. And X-ray crystallography, a technique by which X-rays are diffracted through crystallized virus particles to