References: Boal, Agusto. 1995. “The Rainbow of Desire: the Boal Method of Theatre and Therapy.” London:Routledge. Bourdieu, Pierre. 1990. “_The Logic of Practice__.”_ Pp. 53-65. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Myles, John. 1999. “From Habitus to Mouth: Language and Class in Bourdieu’s Sociology of Language.”_ Theory and Society_ 28:879-901. O’Neil, Cecily. 1996. “Into the labyrinth: theory and research in drama.” Researching drama and arts education: paradigms and possibilities. (145). London and New York: RoutledgeFlamer. Österlind, Eva. 2008. “Acting out of habits – can Theatre of the Oppressedpromote change? Boal’s theatre methods in relation to Bourdieu’s concept of habitus. Research in Drama Education 13 (1):71-82. Rawolle, Shaun and Bob Lingard. 2008. “The sociology of Pierre Bourdieu and researching education policy.” Journal of Education Policy 23:729-741. Ritzer, George. 2008. “Sociological Theory.” 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Wittgenstein, Ludwig. 1977. “On certainty.” Oxford: Blackwell.
References: Boal, Agusto. 1995. “The Rainbow of Desire: the Boal Method of Theatre and Therapy.” London:Routledge. Bourdieu, Pierre. 1990. “_The Logic of Practice__.”_ Pp. 53-65. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Myles, John. 1999. “From Habitus to Mouth: Language and Class in Bourdieu’s Sociology of Language.”_ Theory and Society_ 28:879-901. O’Neil, Cecily. 1996. “Into the labyrinth: theory and research in drama.” Researching drama and arts education: paradigms and possibilities. (145). London and New York: RoutledgeFlamer. Österlind, Eva. 2008. “Acting out of habits – can Theatre of the Oppressedpromote change? Boal’s theatre methods in relation to Bourdieu’s concept of habitus. Research in Drama Education 13 (1):71-82. Rawolle, Shaun and Bob Lingard. 2008. “The sociology of Pierre Bourdieu and researching education policy.” Journal of Education Policy 23:729-741. Ritzer, George. 2008. “Sociological Theory.” 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Wittgenstein, Ludwig. 1977. “On certainty.” Oxford: Blackwell.