1. Example: Many examples are used throughout this film to prove the overall thesis of Americans revolve around gun violence. For example, Moore went to a bank, opened up an account and received a free gun. This symbolizes the absurd love for guns Americans have. A bank handing out guns that people can turn around and rob the bank with is a terrible idea, but thats the logic of the United States. Kids growing up around violence can be influenced to try other destructive methods like bombs. Brent and DJ from Oscoda shared their personal experiences with Moore. Brent was expelled from school because he pulled a 9mm on a kid. DJ’s name was upon a list of the most dangerous, and most likely to bomb after the Columbine attack. He made this list because he has made several little bombs, and owns a book called “The Anarchists Cookbook” that shows step by step how to make bombs. Lastly, John Nichols shows how violent Americans can be. He sleeps with a 44 magnum under his pillow, and cocked the gun to his temple while showing it off to Moore. John is nicknamed radical and a wild man because of his behaviour, and his speculated assistance with the Oklahoma Federal Building bomb attack. All three of these examples prove that American’s love their guns, and depend on them for person security, and destruction.
Cause and Effect: Moore effectively uses a cause and effect approach to the school shootings that were discussed in this film. After the Columbine Massacre there were masses of people rioting agains the NRA finally realizing that guns are very dangerous, and should not be just handed out to anybody willing to learn how to shoot. High schools increased their security, and provided anger management classes and seminars teaching students how to take out their anger in non violent ways. In the case of the Buell Elementary tragedy, people became aware of what violence is doing to their sweet innocent children. No 6 year old