When Troy first arrived to the city he couldn’t get a job because of his skin color. Without any money, he had to start living under bridge call Brady Street Bridge, where multiple black people lived in a shack made of sticks and paper. Troy resorted to robbing people for money to buy food, shoes, and things for his son, but ended up in jail. “Causes of poverty are generally grouped into three categories: work-related characteristics (human capital) of the poor; the availability of employment and wage rates in local labor markets; and discrimination. The combination of these factors may determine the persistence of poverty in a population group, such as blacks.” (Ghelfi, 3) The main reason why blacks live in poverty was because they were not capable of getting jobs, due to their lack of experience, skill, and education. Like the quote stated is a mix of those qualities the reason why blacks have no jobs, which Troy is a clear example since he was illiterate, and he was discriminated against because of his
When Troy first arrived to the city he couldn’t get a job because of his skin color. Without any money, he had to start living under bridge call Brady Street Bridge, where multiple black people lived in a shack made of sticks and paper. Troy resorted to robbing people for money to buy food, shoes, and things for his son, but ended up in jail. “Causes of poverty are generally grouped into three categories: work-related characteristics (human capital) of the poor; the availability of employment and wage rates in local labor markets; and discrimination. The combination of these factors may determine the persistence of poverty in a population group, such as blacks.” (Ghelfi, 3) The main reason why blacks live in poverty was because they were not capable of getting jobs, due to their lack of experience, skill, and education. Like the quote stated is a mix of those qualities the reason why blacks have no jobs, which Troy is a clear example since he was illiterate, and he was discriminated against because of his