Cited: Gladwell, Malcolm. “Brain Candy.” The New Yorker. Conde Nast, n.d. Web. 7 Sept. 2012.
Cited: Gladwell, Malcolm. “Brain Candy.” The New Yorker. Conde Nast, n.d. Web. 7 Sept. 2012.
In the book called Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, Malcolm has a chapter called The Trouble with Geniuses, Part I where Gladwell spends this chapter showing that a high IQ is not a voucher for a free ride on the success train. He goes to show that once you reach a certain IQ, you are just as likely as to be successful as someone with a much higher IQ score. My thoughts are this is why people exercise all parts of their brains. Gladwell is an excellent writer, no doubt. I thoroughly enjoyed this book from beginning to end and would unquestionably recommend it to virtually anyone who has an interest in the basic success.…
Kakutani is correct in her claim that Gladwell’s writing style and arguments in the book Outliers are ineffective due to his inadequate evidence and overly optimistic approach. She is also correct in arguing that Gladwell’s story-like style of writing makes the tragic events that he describes seem significantly less severe than they truly are. Kakutani describes Gladwell’s books as full of, “colorful anecdotes and case studies that read like entertaining little stories. Both use PowerPoint-type catchphrases [...] to plant concepts in the reader’s mind” (Kakutani). Kakutani describes the evidence that Gladwell uses as “entertaining little stories”, which has a very condescending tone, implying that she believes that the case studies used by…
Gladwell knew that IQ was not the sole determinant of success. So he developed other concepts based on family circumstances that included the time period of birth and child rearing, as well as, one’s acquired knowledge through education. Robert Sternberg described practical intelligence as a procedural method of knowledge that helps one know how, when, and…
Johnson and Carr’s articles both examine the change in our society through the cognitive effects of today’s media. Johnson explains how the complexity of media like, television and video games, are helping kids multi-task, and think more deeply, thus becoming smarter. Johnson says, “The kids are forced to think like grown-ups: analyzing complex social networks, managing resources, tracking subtle narrative intertwinings, recognizing long-term patterns”(229). This shows Johnson’s idea that some of the skills learned by kids today, through television and video games are useful in other avenues as well as later on in life. Carr gives us his own examples of changes in media and their positive effects in the expansion of knowledge. Carr explains throughout the course of history, great minds have feared change; he speaks of Socrates and his worry about the written word, Carr tells us, “He could not foresee the many ways that writing and reading would serve to spread information, spur fresh ideas, and expand human knowledge (if not wisdom)”(970). We are able to see a parallel between Jonson’s explanation of mental labor and skills learned and Carr’s discussion of spreading information, spurring fresh ideas and expanding human knowledge. We also find that Johnson and Carr do not always agree on everything when it comes to media.…
The writer use logos to appeal to logic throughout the writing. Vonnegut uses logic when he said “If you were to bother to read my books, to behave as educated persons would, you would learn that they are not sexy, and do not argue in favor of wildness of any kind.” This is an appeal to logic because they probably never read his books, but they judged them anyways. How can they say the books convey sexy and wildness if they never read them. The writer convinces the reader to agree because of the fact that the probably didn’t read his book is mentioned several times in the argument in different ways.…
The aims of this essay is to evaluate whether Gladwell’s argument are true, and how reliable are the evidence used to support his arguments. I will critically evaluate, and identify the type of evidence used by the author, which sometime tend to be unconvincing.…
Gladwell arguments, I believe is that an induvial has not always become successful in life even with an IQ as high as Lagans which was above Einstein, can be successful in life if this individual locks of other qualities, such self-confidence, or just being outspoken like Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer background also plays a great role per Gladwell, his skill as a negotiator and let himself out of trouble play a great role in his path to success. In the other hand Langan background was not ideal, being smart had very little to do with events that he encounter in his life and the way he deal with…
2) Logos involves winning your audience over with facts and using your opponent’s argument to your own advantage…
In a $25 billion dollar industry a year, video games are an outlet for most kids and adults to escape reality. I know all of our parents at one point or another have told us to stop playing video games because it will rot your brain. Is that really the case though? I believe video games have a positive effect on your brain and throughout this essay I will explain why. Now there is no need to tell me the negatives like, kids become anti-social, they just sit inside all day and get fat, or maybe develop violent behavior. When did video games start having these so called negative effects? In my case never. I have been playing video games since I can remember. I am not anti-social, my friends sometimes say I'm too skinny, and in no way am I a violent person (unless I need to be). Video games somewhere down the line got a bad rap, and violence was the main contributor.…
ROBIN WILSON, A Lifetime of Student Debt? Not Likely 44 15 IS POP CULTURE GOOD FOR YOU? 46 STEVEN JOHNSON, Watching TV Makes You Smarter 46 DANA STEVENS, Thinking Outside the Idiot Box 49 ANTONIA PEACOCKE, Family Guy and Freud 51 MALCOLM GLADWELL, Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted 53 DENNIS BARON, Reforming Egypt in 140 Characters? 56 DAVID CRYSTAL, 2B or Not 2B? 58 ROZ CHAST, The I.M.s of Romeo and Juliet 60 TOM BISSELL, Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter 62 JASON…
When people think of video games’ effects on society, many envision apathetic young adults wasting time in their parent's basement, mashing buttons in front of a glowing television screen instead of looking for a job; some envision rabid children, screaming into microphones and throwing tantrums in stores to get their parents to buy the latest popular video game; still others envision the violent, disturbing images, and antisocial content in many video games worming their way into impressionable young minds, cultivating the future killers and sociopaths of tomorrow. Much research has been done on the negative effects of video games on individuals and society, but not as much research has been completed on the positive effects they have. In class, the prosocial aspects of video…
Even though Mr. Carey is not an expert in this field of study his experience as a veteran of scientific writer, having written for Science Times and The New York Times for over 10 years, shows through his very valuable and knowledge sources that he quotes and uses examples from in this article. The author uses quotes from various researchers and scientist throughout this article such as economist, psychologist, and doctors all valuable sources that share the opinion of his claim. Mr. Carey then goes on to connect his sources statement with the ethos appeal by explaining their authority. Craig A. Anderson, a psychologist at Iowa State University, is an expert in his field of study which is the effects of violent media, including video games, on today’s adolescents. Mr. Carey uses…
Gladwell carefully constructs his argument by offering the real life story of Bernie Goetz. Gladwell uses this example in order to provide a real life enactment of the power of social context. Goetz shot four black males, paralyzing one of them, who were attempting to rob him on a New York subway. he would have waited on a dimly lit platform, surrounded on all sides by dark, damp, graffiti covered walls…the car Goetz sat in was filthy, its floor littered with trash and the wall and ceilings were thick with graffiti” (287). Furthermore Gladwell conveys to the reader that social context can change your reaction to situations. This example used by Gladwell further advances his claim because it invokes curiosity in the reader and helps them relate to Bernie Goetz.…
Kurt Squire, a writer for “Game Studios”, in his article “Cultural Framing of Computer/Video Games”(2002) explores the role of video game in society that proposes that video games are the next generation of media with a variety of uses. He focuses on the history of games-media and compares the platform to other media such as film and television, in order to counter arguments critical of games, then he explores the beneficial implementation of games for learning purposes by providing evidence supporting games as learning tools. Squire develops this evidence in order to persuade the audience to favor video and computer games as a “next-generation” social tool. Squire seems to intend his audience to be either business or media leaders by presenting…
New forms of technology and thinking has granted us with great opportunities such as medicine and creative social interactions. The human race has taken something as small as discovering electricity for a light bulb to creating smartphones. As mankind advances, many individuals look at different ways of solving unknown mysteries. Some people look to outlets that many don't dare to look towards, one of those people being Will Wright. Will Wright discusses in his article “Dream Machines” that video games “benefit rather than denigrate culture” (212). For years, many people have blamed video games for the violence among white youth, however Will Wright presents an outstanding argument on how video games can be a positive influence on the world such as progressive new ways of thinking and new technology.…