I was particularly intrigued by the SPECT scans which looks at blood flow and activity patterns in the brain. I was not aware that you could improve the health of your brain in as little as two months. I was of the view that you cannot repair damage done to the brain but only prevent future damage from occurring. Dr. Amen’s brain scan at age 37 and then at age 52 shows that it is in fact possible to improve the health of your brain and after considering the success of rehabilitation procedures such as post stroke therapy I believe that the SPECT scan studies can be validated.
The impact of a person’s weight on the brain also fascinated me. I was not aware of the fact that obesity causes the physical size and the function of the brain to decrease. This particularly was a nerve-wracking discovery, not because I am obese, but because The United States of America is ranked second as a developed nation with the highest rates of obesity among adults.
Other information that I found to be pertinent was the impact of professions such as fire fighting and NFL playing and their toxicity to the brain as well as the importance of acquiring great quality and quantity of sleep in order to have a healthy brain.
I definitely plan to utilize this information not only in my personal life but also to impart this knowledge to others whenever I can.