settin#$ an" man% stereot%!ical Gothic elements can be foun" scattere" aroun" the novel$ which a"" to the overall effect of the work&
has multi!le settin# chan#es$ thou#h nearl% all of them are tra"itionall% Gothic or have some tra"itional Gothic elements containe" within them& ,n the o!enin# scenes$ )arker travels to *ount +racula’s castle in 'rans%lvania$ which o!erates as a Gothic settin# on multi!le levels& 'his castle is all b% itself$ com!letel% isolate" from an% surroun"in# towns$ an" the interior is a warren of hallwa%s an" rooms$ an" is a haunte" castle in the tra"ition of :tranto$ ;"ol!ho$ an" the others 3Gates 215&