In the Declaration of Independence it states “ We hold these truths to be self evident and that all men are created equal.” Even since that time period men were not considered equal. Blacks were not even considered human, they were considered property. …show more content…
In this time period the people don't really care about what happens in the government at all. They know nothing about the government in general and it's very pathetic. Recently at a local middle school I walked around and asked 8th graders that have passed civics the following question “What are the three branches of government?” The results were astonishing and just shows how ignorant people today are. 2/15 students knew the name of the three branches of government. I found this horrible and a perfect example of the ignorance of the people. These kids have lived in America if not all 14 years of their life a majority of it and they did not know or care to know the three basic branches of government. It shocked me that these kids had taken and passed civics just a year ago and they could not answer such a basic question. Due to the disappointment of asking the students, I decided to ask some of the teachers the exact same question. Only 4/6 teachers knew the answer. These are the teachers educating the future “leaders” of our country. This shows ever more how ignorant the people are these days. I believe if the founding fathers saw this they would probably have a heart attack. These are highly educated adults who are teaching the new generations. Looking at the ignorance in the highly educated I can only imagine the …show more content…
In today's government inequality is an issue which violates the Declaration of Independence. People are extremely dependent on the government causing the government to gain power and give rights instead of its proper role to protect those rules. People's ignorance towards the government is helping them gain the power to give rights. The low average intelligence is a result of this ignorance and dependence. The low average intelligence is causing not worthy or unqualified people to run for president. If our founding fathers were to look at our government they would say something along the lines of “This is not what we fought for.” Our government today is nothing like the government our founding fathers had in mind when they fought in the American Revolution and wrote the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, or any other document. They might even consider saying that staying with the king of been a better choice. I believe that overall they would be extremely disappointed in what we have turned the government they created into what we have