Though a brand is oftentimes mistaken as a variety of different things, it’s important to understand its ambiguous nature. A brand is not simply the logo, nor the visual identity. A brand is not the product, the service, the slogan or the advertising campaign. A brand is not even controlled by the company behind it. Rather, a brand is a collection of perceptions that reside in the mind of the consumer/customer. It is the gut feeling a customer has about your company
(thus, your brand). While you may not have direct control over your brand, you most certainly are its steward.
Every interaction the customer has with you or your company influences their perception. The product experience, customer service, slogans, ads, and even product manuals all contribute to the customer’s perception of your company, service or product. Your job is to cultivate, guard, and maintain a strong brand – the rewards of which are consistently loyal customers and a continual increase in customer preference.
A good brand communicates a clear message about what it stands for and how it differentiates itself from its competitors. An excellent brand persuades a market that their lives will be better by attaching themselves to said brand, and without it, their lives would be greatly lacking.
Stemming from your market positioning, customers understand and internalize the brand through its consistent use. Each touch point within your customers’ experience should seek to reinforce this same, consistent message. With a well crafted strategy, a good brand begins to look more like a belief system, or a cult following than anything else. It takes on a vibrant life of its own, and customers will stand behind the brand, adopting its claims and evangelizing it to others whatever that message maybe (even so much as if what one is claiming is not necessarily true). Major national brands