Your group assignment is to pick a brand from the list of brands(attached) and conduct a thorough brand audit. Each group must study and analyze a different brand.
Brands will be assigned on a "first come, first serve" basis.
Post your group’s choice of brand and gp number on the “questions for Prof/TA” board so that everyone can see your group’s choice.
This way, the other gps will know which brands are already taken on a first come first serve basis.
Once your gp posts a Brand choice (that is not already taken)- it’s yours.
The brand audit analysis will be based on information from public secondary sources, company web sites, as well as your own professional experiences and insights. Surveys or primary research are not required but can certainly be conducted and used as needed.
The final Powerpoint report should be submitted using the assignment link on elearning.
The length of the Brand Audit report should be approx. 30-40 ppt slides (not including any appendices or references).
Typically a thorough audit requires 30-40 hours of work which divided among 6 or 7 gp members usually amounts to an average of about 5-6 hrs of work per student.
The following format and guideline will help streamline the approach and the process.
A tentative example is available for you to review on page 132 of the textbook.
This Rolex example is only that…an example…just a very brief and concise example.
I. Brand Inventory
A current, comprehensive profile of how all products and services sold by a company are marketed and branded. This is mainly the supply-side view of the company and the brand.
Should include (but not limited to):
History of the brand
Identification of all brand elements (logos, symbols, characters, packaging, slogans, trademarks).
Brand architecture.
Description of attributes of the product/idea/service.
Profile of direct and indirect competitive brands (use points of parity