A Study on the Association between Brand Awareness and Consumer/Brand Loyalty for the Packaged Milk Industry in Pakistan
M.I. Subhani and Amber Osman*
Brand awareness remains fundamental to consumer life as the interaction initiation point to the brands. This paper put forwards the relationship of brand awareness on consumer/brand loyalty in the packaged milk brands in the urban Pakistan. There is evidence of brand awareness and consumer/brand loyalty on brand equity. The approach takes into account sources of brand equity-brand awareness, consumer/brand loyalty and image (perceptions / associations) on the sample of consumer households. This paper suggests that in Pakistan among the packaged milk brands there is no relationship between brand awareness and consumer/brand loyalty. In addition, testing relationship by setting perceptions as the mediating variable between brand awareness and consumer/brand loyalty results the same. For practicing managers and marketers it is important to note that there is a need to update their understanding of the nature and role of brand awareness on convenience products which has random switch purchase behavior and low-involvement. In the current era, marketers must develop branding strategies for commodity-products such as milk packaged brands by investing and strengthening its supply chain system, to create and increase brand awareness for the milk brands in-turn to build consumer/brand loyalty than trying to directly build consumer/brand loyalty by heavy spending on promotional tools. Key Words: brand awareness; consumer/brand loyalty; brand equity; brand perception JEL Classification: M31; M39
* Corresponding authors email: drsubhani@yahoo.co.uk and amber.osman@yahoo.com * The material presented by the author does not necessarily portray the view point of the editors and the management of Iqra University, Karachi. SAJMS 2011,
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