when pictures come in presence. “For example, in the 2008 Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Society, Salvador Vidal- Ortiz defines the phrases “people of color” and “person of color” as reference to “racial and ethnic minority groups.” Vidal-Ortiz also explicitly acknowledges the mutability of the terms over time and location. He notes that the terms have “a strong association to phenotype, skin color, and eye/hair/other physiological aspects that often defined Blacks in the United States,” but also observes that the political and coalitional power of terms permit a person or group to self-identify, not only by their country of origin or panethnic label, but also by the more inclusive term person of color.” (Elengold 30). Sometimes encyclopedias carry along many stories which contain much of the aspect of what type of people they get identified as. Sometimes a story tells more than it may seem to tell. It conveys interest and helps to learn about people through the art of writing. Many may struggle to find any stories, but especially myths and poems from the past can help a lot to discover what people did and how their lives played a role in the lifestyle they lived in.
Narrative Stories share personal backgrounds and shared what they believed in. Narrative stories like myths, legends, poems, diaries and autobiographies come in handy as the best sources to learn about literature because they are exclusively primary sources to learn about writing styles. The article, “Branding Identity” says “The language a society uses to refer to persons with disabilities shapes its beliefs and ideas about them. Words are powerful; Old, inaccurate, and inappropriate descriptors perpetuate negative stereotypes and attitudinal barriers.” (Elengold 36). People can find a lot of what type of person someone resembles based on their writing style. Narrative stories become reliable sources to help people figure out how to understand their own style of …show more content…
writing. Additionally, some websites dedicate themselves to research genealogical and anthropological analysis to find lineage from ancestor to ancestor.
This shows an amazing tool to use if someone suggests to locate any relatives that still live and that could perhaps tell about the heritage and the customs that they had in their young years. In “The Genetics of Bene Israel from India Reveals Both Substantial Jewish and Indian Ancestry” by Yedael Y. Waldman, a series of studies took places by “Combining with 486 individuals from 41other Jewish, Indian and Pakistani populations, and additional individuals from worldwide populations, we conducted comprehensive genome-wide analyses based on FST, principal component analysis, ADMIXTURE, identity-by-descent sharing, admixture linkage disequilibrium decay, haplotype sharing and allele sharing autocorrelation decay, as well as contrasted patterns between the X chromosome and the autosomes.” (28) This reveals how studies unravel the origin of people and when they migrated. Additionally, interviews continue the job by asking questions for clues to unlock information from ancestors or anything in regards to the past. This stands out in an article called “Growing the Family Tree” by Lisa Peet when it says “Cordes and her colleagues offer a beginner class that they recommend patrons take ahead of instruction on resource-specific and ethnic specific genealogy, or the library’s other curricula such as how to write family history
and how to interview family members.” (28). It’s so shocking that “Guests discover unexpected chapters in their family histories that include immigrations, adoptions, marriages, murders, and tales of hardship and courage— on a recent episode.” (Peet 27). However, in the case study “Ethnic Conflict Management in Africa: A Comparative Case Study of Nigeria and South Africa” a case stood out where “The notion that modernity would result in smooth transition from gemeinschaf (community) to gessellschaft (association), with gradual dissolution of ethnic affiliations, simply did not work. Ethnicity has persisted in North America, Africa and elsewhere. This failure simply means ethnicity will remain, and that the stability of African states is threatened not by ethnicity per se, but the failure of national institutions to recognize and accommodate ethnic differences and interests.” (Irobi n. pag.). This failed because the concept of identifying and evaluating ethnicity did not work. I believe that the best solution would be to have an interview to find out what type of lifestyle people had and to discover the people who lived in the beginning. The genealogy analysis featured more effectiveness because it can potentially bring a family together and that creates a heartwarming stronger than anything else. However, it holds best to make a combination of encyclopedias, gathered stories that were passed down, and an analysis of genealogy developed in a program. This way it has a stronger connection because experts can collaborate to track down letters, cards, and all the records of someone’s family by just sitting down and putting together the pieces of the puzzle that they already have. In addition, the letters and cards found across family members will convey more joy when read because it will involve an introduction to a whole other life that many thought would never exist.