It makes sense that Ford is their God because the society in Brave New World moves away from culture and identity towards total technological efficiency. Ford is the father of modern automobiles and of production technology, he represent all things scientific and efficient making him a suitable symbol for them to “worship”. Ford is to their scientific society what God is to a cultural one. I believe Huxley chose Ford to become the closest thing to God in Brave New World because he was made progressive in his developments and in his treatment of his employees (they enjoyed working for him and got paid well), just like the new world is very developed, every person loves what they do, they do not have stress and are always happy. Yet, Ford had strict control over his workers personal lives through his “Sociological Department” which set and enforced standards for personal behavior and spied on workers to make sure they complied. This resembles how every person in Brave New World is watched over and does everything they are told to due through conditioning. Lastly, I think Huxley chose Ford because it is a name that is recognized worldwide.
Examples: The model “T” is used for their symbol of worship. This was created after the model “T” Ford first built and it replaces the symbol of the cross we used today. Also the people substitute Henry Ford wherever people would normally say lord or Christ. This demonstrates that even at a level of casual conversation and habit, religion has been replaced by reverence for technology.
Questions: Do you think Huxley chose the right God for that era and if not, do you have any other recommendations? Do you think if Huxley would have chose a woman to represent the closest thing to God the World State would have been different, or the people would have acted different?
Genetic Engineering (Cloning)
Yes, Huxley’s vision of cloning differ from the actual techniques that science has developed since