While reading this poem I could already have a idea of what the conflict was and who it was against when I read “is something with tears for a …show more content…
Savage didn't want to be in the same society he is in now , he wanted to feel anger, sadness, wanted to make his own mistakes, really he wanted to live again before the nine years war. Secondly the plot of the story is about what savage and the controller are talking about. In the poem society changed after the nine years war. While reading this poem I though up of a question , how has the old world changed from the new world? The old world was all about opportunities you could be angry, you could love, be sad, be noble and also heroic you could even believe in your own god . But with the new world you don't get the opportunities of being any of that , you don't even get the opportunity of believing in your own god, just like its said in the “Brave New World”, “there used to be something called god”and now there not. Another example of showing that you took loving someone to much away from you is when this was said “the greatest care is taken to prevent you from loving any one too much”, how you know that they took your feeling away from you is when this was also told “, showing that they took away things and that you control what you feel. A way that they take your anger away from you is by using “V.P.S” (violent passion surrogate), they give this pill once