Brave New World Vs. The House of The Scorpions
Dystopia; an “imaginary” society in which citizens are dehumanized and live what readers deem as an unpleasant, worthless life. Nancy Farmer’s novel The House of The Scorpions and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World are two dystopian novels that paint a surreal image of two societies on two opposite sides of the spectrum. Farmer’s novel depicts the life of a clone of the head of a huge drug cartel named El Patron. The clone, Matt, lives in a house of secrecy and lies, however, his life in other’s eyes seems picture-perfect. On the opposite end, Huxley’s novel depicts a test-tube, artificial society in which humans are not born, but decanted like experiments. The humans, once born, go through a process of a caste system as well as series of hypnopedia in order to keep the society controlled and prevent rebellion. Overall, it seems as though both societies are completely unrealistic. However, it is prevalent that out of the two societies, the society of Brave New World seems like a future not to far from our own.
Comparison of Tone and Setting: Both Huxley and Farmer are able to show the reader the tone of the novel within the very first chapters of the novels. The tone of Brave New World is that of a very clean, scientific, artificial society. Huxley is able to create this tone straight away by stating the society’s motto, (1) “Community, Identity, Stability.” (page 15) The motto of the society sets the tone of a very automaton society in which the benefit of the community came first, one where individualism was subordinate. Only in this such manner would society remain stable. Furthermore, Huxley is able to continue the scientific, plain, and clean society by describing the laboratory. Huxley states, (2) “ Wintriness responded to Wintriness... the overalls of the workers were white...the light was frozen.. from the yellow barrels of the microscopes did it borrow
Cited: Farmer, Nancy. The House of the Scorpion. New York: Atheneum for Young Readers, 2002. Print. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper & Bros., 1946. Print.