ANTH 210 X062
The protests about the amount of money Brazil is spending on the World Cup 2014
On October 30, 2007, FIFA in Zurich officially announced that the World Cup 2014 will hold in Brazil, and this is the first time after Brazil to host the football World Cup again since 1950. In the history of the football game, Brazil's national team has win the highest honor of football five times, also Brazilian has hosted the World Cup in 1950. The football’s fans were really exciting for hearing this news, and excepting that everything is going well when World Cup coming in. However, on June to July 2013, some citizen in Brazil protest about the amount of money Brazil is spending on the World Cup 2014, because Brazil still can not escape poverty now. The news”Brazil poverty overshadows hype over World Cup, Olympics”(2013),a reporter showed that some critics thought the protests in 2013 in Rio de Janeiro and income disparities still lead a significant danger for both Brazilian politics and the economy, when President Dilma Rousseff launched a poverty reduction program in 2011. And as actress Jo Joyner called off a fund-raising campaign, indcatholicnews.com said "While billions of pounds are being spent to prepare for the tournament, 3.5 million people are still living in poverty in the city, and their needs are all too often being ignored." Therefore, people started to argue is it a correct decision that Brazil become host for World Cup? The problem of Brazil is poverty. There is a survey of Brazil's income disparities from the local media and wealthy interest groups published by Forbes magazine, that 12.3 percent of the country's gross domestic product is held by 124 richest in Brazil who have capital 238.6 billion dollars totally. The wealth gap has became the big problem in Brazil. Clare Dixon, from the UK Catholic Agency for Overseas Development said,"People in Brazil are absolutely delighted that they are