What is the American Dream, and who are the people most likely to pursue its often-elusive fulfillment? Indeed, the American Dream has come to represent the attainment of myriad goals that are specific to each individual; while one person might consider a purchased home with a white picket fence her version of the American Dream, another might regard it as the financial ability to operate his own business. Clearly, there is no cut and dried definition of the American Dream as long as any two people hold a different meaning. What it does universally represent, however, is the opportunity for people like Sara to seek out their individual and collective desires under a political umbrella of democracy. "More and more I began to think inside myself, I don't want to sell [fish] for the rest of my days. I want to learn something. I want to do something. I want some day to make myself for a person and come among people" (Yezierska PG).
Driven to the United States by way of their oppressive homeland, Sara's family may have believed that this nation's streets are paved with gold where opportunities abound for lifelong prosperity, however, none