Many people perceive themselves to be in a stable financial and social environment; this is characterized by feeling in mediocre health, feeling free to pursue life as seen fit, and feeling an overall sense of security regarding life. On the contrary, this middle class is beginning to identify a decrease in quality of life, despite …show more content…
Americans that have already achieved a state of success often hold preconceived notions about those from peculiar routes to success. As a society, we have a strict idea of what this route to success should look like and who these successful people should look like. In the essay "The Right to Fail" by William Zinsser, the idea of failure in American society is determined to be extraordinarily shameful, and many people view it as the termination of a chance to a fruitful life. Zinsser goes on to explain, "A boy or girl who leaves college is branded a failure- and the right to fail is one of the few freedoms that this country does not grant its citizens" (97). He expresses the idea that despite obstacles that can often appear and contrast with what is considered ideal in life, people should have equal judgement and opportunity facing them. Failure should not define a person's character, and society should not place the weight of this negative connotation with unconventional ways of climbing the social ladder upon a person. With the current outlook held in America by the majority, thousands will have a limited or no chance of achieving the American