Understanding Factors Influencing Consumers ' Decisions to
Consume Breakfast and Ready-to-Eat Cereals
中華民國 九十六年 六月
I wish to thank the many people who have made significant contributions to this research. I wish to acknowledge the excellence help and advice provided by Lin Lin
Ku, the Senior Product Manager of Kellogg Asia Marketing Incorporation, Taiwan
Branch. It was my honor to be able to interview Lin Lin Ku, and to obtain a clear picture of Taiwanese breakfast cereal industry. Besides, she also arranged for me the distribut ion of quest ionnaires through a marketing company. The views and opinio ns expressed here do not, however, represent Kellogg’s official po licies or practices, but are mine alo ne.
For research assistance, I am great ly indebted to Professor Tai Hwa Chou. I have carried out Professor Chou’s instructions; therefore, I should attribute the research results to Professor Chou’s guidance. Professor Chou has been open to any kind o f market ing research, allowing me to look into my own interested subject. In addit ion,
Professor Chou has always been very concerned about the research progress, and has provided assistance whenever I felt confused.
Finally, I wish to thank my family and friends for being supportive. For their valuable encouragements, suggestions and improvements, I am grateful to my mother
Grace, my father WT, my sisters Helen and Sabrina, and my reviewer Julie. For creative inspirat ion and co mpany, I wish to express my appreciat ion to my dearest friends, especially to Arvin, Hua, Jay, Lana, and Paul.
The purpose of the study is to understand factors influencing consumers’ decisio ns to buy breakfast and RTE cereals. In accordance wit h the research mot ivat ion and object ives, quest ionnaire was designed and sent to parents rearing children under the age of 18 and young adults in college and graduate school.
References: Table 2-1 Herzberg’s two-factor theory .................................................................... 11 Table 2-2 Global breakfast cereals market segmentation: % share by value, 2004 .... Figure 2-6 Global breakfast cereals market segmentation: % share by value, 2004 ... 15 Table 2-3 Global breakfast cereal market value: $ billio n, 2000-2004 ................... Figure 2-7 Global breakfast cereals market value: $ billio n, 2000-2004 .................... 17 Table 2-4 Global breakfast cereals market segmentation: % share by value, 2004 .... Figure 2-8 Global breakfast cereals market segmentation: % share by value, 2004 ... 18 Table 2-6 Asia-Pacific breakfast cereals market value: $ billio n, 2000-2004 ............ Figure 2-10 Asia-Pacific breakfast cereals market value: $ billio n, 2000-2004.......... 20 Table 2-7 Leading firms in three of the principle regional markets .......................... Table 2-8 Global breakfast cereals market value forecast: $ billio n, 2004-2009 ........ 21 Table 2-10 Market share of Taiwanese RTE cereal industry in July and August, 2004 ......................................................................................................................... 23 Table 2-11 Kellogg’s revenue segmentation by geography, 2005 ............................. Figure 2-13 Kellogg’s revenue segmentation by geography, 2005............................. 25 Table 2-12 Kellogg’s SWOT analys is ...................................................................... processed foods was imported into Taiwan in 2006 (Monthly Statist ics of Imports- the Republic o f China Taiwan District, 2006).