Today African Americans are still haunted by the philological effects of slavery, also known as the ghost of the plantation.
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For this essay I will be referring to the single source of Breaking The Chains Of Psychological Slavery by Na’im Akbar. In this book he is reviewing how slavery still affects the minds of people today. He referrers to this as the Ghost Of The Plantation, still lurking and haunting African Americans today. He split these effects in our society in to about 7 different categories. Today we will be examining five. The five categories will be, the family, community division, personal inferiority, leadership, and property.
African American slaves were given the coarsest of cloths. They were considered the scum of the earth and …show more content…
Breaking the family today is the most serious of all psychological affects of slavery. The slave trainers would prohibit marriage. The women were seen as things, they were raped, and used as breeding tools. The men were beaten and were just breeders. No human emotional connection they were just there to produce like you would a sheep or another animal. Today the family still operates in this fashion. In Jamaica, 80% of children are born out of wedlock. In the United States, many fathers are absent from the child’s family and have multiple baby mothers.
The slave owners capitalized on divisions with in the black community. They separated those who were light skin, dark skin, on the hills and the valley, or direction such as north, west, east, or south. Today, that division is still having affect. On social media over this summer there was a big light skin dark skin war on social media. The dark skins would insult the light skins, and the light skins would ridicule the dark skins African root. Today in communities over the country there are turf wars over what side of the city or location you