Speech: Breast Cancer
Attention Getter: Did you know both men and women are able to get breast cancer?
Thesis Statement: According to US Breast Cancer Statistics it states that in 2013 there were more than 2.8 million women with history of breast cancer. But that’s not all, 2,240 invasive new cases were diagnosed in 2013 for breast cancer in men.
Preview: When finding out about breast cancer, most people first like to know How did you know? Or What did you feel? In other words the 1st signs. Next they would ask what stage you’re at? Then they would help you make a decision whether you’re planning to have a lumpectomy or mastectomy. Lastly they would like to know your treatment plan, chemo, radiation, meds..etc
Topic #1: For most men and women their 1st signs are a breast lump ot abnormal mammogram. Some are even able to see the lump on their chest and others are just able to feel it. When 1st being diagnosed the patient has to be tested. Mane tests are done including one important test. 5-10% of breast cancer patients are linked to gene mutation. Which if it’s positive the patient’s siblings and children might have the gene. That’s why the gene testing is highly recommended even though its expensive most consider it for their love ones wellbeing.
Transition: Although the 1st signs are important people always want to know what stage the breast cancer is.
Topic #2: The cancer stage is based on four characteristics. 1) Size of lump. 2) Whether caner is invasive or non-invasive. 3) Whether it’s reach lymph nodes. 4) Whether cancer has spread to other body parts. Stage 0: cancer is described as non-invasive, no evidence of cancer. Stage 1: is described as invasive. Divided into subcategories.
-tumor is measured up to 2 cm
-cancer hasn’t spread outside the breast and no lymph nodes are cancerous.
-no tumor. Instead small groups of cancer cells.
-no larger than millimeters