Breastfeeding is often the most important and most neglected part of childcare. In today’s world of jet setting women and ever shortening maternity and child care leave the importance of breast feeding is not being recognised. Breast milk is the best nutrition for a baby till it is six months old. Breast milk is specifically designed for the immature GI system of the infant and it is easily digested. It has the right proportions of fat, protein and sugars. The sugar present in breast milk, lactose is easily digested and is sufficient for all the requirement of the baby.
Breast milk also provides the baby with sodium, potassium and water in the right quantities.
Breast milk also contains plenty of antibodies. These antibodies …show more content…
Today more women are working outside the home and formula feeding seems to be faster and more flexible, and hostility towards breastfeeding has been adapted. Those who choose to breast feed are looked down upon, and more often than not, breast feeding in public is not an option for them. Although it is seldom, women are even seen in the news for causing negative reaction to breastfeeding in public. The breast has become sexual symbol. People view the breast as erotic and women and are usually viewed through the never ending desire of men. This has implanted the idea that women's breasts exist solely for the purpose of pleasure to others, and not for the purpose of providing nourishment to their young. When people see a woman breastfeeding, their reaction is usually awkwardness and distaste because our society has accepted the idea that the breast is sexual and not reproductive. This trend in not using the female breast as infant nourishment needs to be reversed. It has been thought that formula is nutritionally equal to breast milk and has been endorsed by the Pediatric community since the 1950's, but this is not the case. There are several reasons why breast milk is healthier. Breast milk contains over four-hundred nutrients that cannot be recreated in a laboratory. These nutrients are essential to the healthy production and growth of babies. In fact, the caloric density, protein, carbohydrates, and fat in breast milk changes with …show more content…
Breast milk is also uncontaminated by bacteria and is easier for the infant's stomach to digest. Infants who have been breast fed for at least eight months have reduced risks for: childhood cancers, diarrheal diseases, respiratory illness, ear infections, bacterial infections, diabetes, infant botulism, Crohn's disease, ulceratius colitis, obesity, SIDS, cavities. "Breast is best," not only because it is healthier for the baby but also because it has benefits for the mother as well. Nursing mothers enjoy a reduced risk for both breast and ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, and weight loss. It has also been proven that mothers who breastfeed have an increase in confidence and ability in caring for their infant. Other benefits of breastfeeding include convenience and cost. Unlike formula, breast milk is free! Parents who choose to formula feed their child spend an average of $800 per year, per baby on formula alone, not including the cost of bottles. Breastfeeding also decreases production of hazardous waste such as