It saves families money to spend on other needs like diapers, wipes, clothes, etc. Artificial milk is not good for the baby’s body, nevertheless some moms don’t have the option to breastfeed. Breastmilk can save on doctor visits and co-payments because they don’t get sick as often. Mothers who breastfeed have a strong emotional bond with their baby. Mothers share a longer gaze, touch more, and are more responsive to the baby. Babies can sense when the mother is uncomfortable, which makes latching hard and then the baby gets fussy and the mother becomes frustrated. “Positive emotions like feeling confident about breastfeeding facilitates oxytocin reflex” (Mathur, Dhingra, 2014). Oxytocin Reflex is the milk flow.
Though some people disagree with breastfeeding, if they are educated on it, maybe they would change their minds to see it’s a beautiful thing like others do. Would people eat in the bathroom? Would people eat with your head covered with a blanket? If people were more open to breastfeeding, then more mothers wouldn’t give up, more would give it a chance, and see that it's not