I would tell my friend that she doesn’t have to feel guilty if she stop breastfeeding her baby before he/she turns one because
Studies that were combine with other studies shows that even though breastfeeding has a variety of benefits for infants and mothers,
However, culture, economics, parental educational level, family dynamics, emotional stability, knowledge of child development, etc. must also be taken into consideration when analyzing cognitive development of young children.
The advantages for breastfeeding is very small
Although breast feeding do help infants’ score a better congnative functionin than infant that are feed with the bottle, however
The benefits are mainly for infants that were born permutre or came out of the womb with a very low weight and are consequently are at risk with cognative difficulties.
Although it is true that children who were breast-fed as babies have higher intelligence than bottle-fed children, the reason for the correlation is in the mother’s brain, not her breast. A U.S. mother whose IQ is 15 points higher than her neighbor’s is more than twice as likely to breast-feed. Women who breast-feed are also more educated and less likely to smoke. Intelligent parents pass along their genes and also create a more stimulating environment, two advantages for the baby’s development. In short, smart mothers have smart babies.