An advantage of breastfeeding for society is that breastmilk is the optimal nutritional food for babies. We are the slowest growing of all mammals and are considered to almost be born prematurely in comparison to other mammals. If we look at a babys' abilities at birth and compare them to other mammals, we are the most dependent for the longest time. The advantage of breastfeeding for society is that breastmilk offers the best food for babies so that they may develop to their full potential. We require optimal nutrition to achieve optimal growth and development and wellness. When babies face ill health, everyone pays the price. This can be on health care budget, hospitalisation costs, waste generated during hospital stay, interruption to family dynamics including economic impact such as time off work. Not to mention impact on family dynamics with disruption to usual routines and stress generated in response to concern for a family member who is ill. …show more content…
This has been confirmed by health insurance companies. Research shows that breastfed babies require significantly less hospital stays for preventable illnesses such as ear infections, lower respiratory tract infections, bowel infections and diarrhoeal disease. Asthma has also been offered as another illness preventable by breastfeeding. Allergy is another suggested to be reduced by breastfeeding. Another advantage of breastfeeding for society is that illnesses such as insulin dependent diabetes, childhood lymphoma and irritable bowel disease are also suggested to have reduced incidence in children who were breastfed as