- Brian Mulroney was born on March 20, 1939 in Baie-Comeau Quebec.
- Brian Mulroney completed high school at a Roman Catholic School.
- After high school Mulrony earned a Law degree from Laval University.
- In Laval university Mulroney's most friends played an important role in politics.
- Mulroney was a passionate conservative and when the conservatives lost the1974 election Mulroney attempted to run as the leader but lost to his competition Joe Clark.
-Later on in his career Brian Mulroney became the 18th Prime Minister of Canada on 1984 September 17.
-Brian Mulroney made the Free Trade Agreement with the United States on December 1993 to raise Canada's prosperity.
-Brian Mulroney also introduced Canada to Goods and Services Tax. Even though Mulroney argued he was only replacing MST people started hating him for they thought of it as a raise in tax.
-The Constitution (the supreme law of Canada) was signed by all provinces but Quebec, Quebec demanded recognition as a distinct society more provincial powers, therefore Brian Mulroney set up the Meech Lake Accord, every province signed the Accord except Manitoba and Newfoundland thus rejecting the Meech Lake Accord..
-The issue of Quebec's future inside or outside of Canada raised again. Brian Mulroney then organized the Charlottetown Accord, this was based on a vote instead of provincial agreement. The Charlottetown Accord was rejected with 54.3% of the voters in favour of keeping Quebec as part of Canada.
-Mulroney retired on 1993 June