Meech Lake in Quebec
All the provinces of Canada and the members of Parliament
This was a failed constitutional amendment, which Quebec was not involved with the Constitution Act in 1982. Prime Minister Mulroney called a conference to proposed amendments to the Constitution,which was offered to recognize Quebec as a distinct society. The Charlotte Accord:
Took place in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
The purpose was to gain Quebec formal acceptance in the Canadian Constitution. The Charlotte Accord was a new and improved proposal for the Federal and Provincial Government after the failure of the Meech Lake Accord.
Prime Minister Mulroney,appointed "Citizen's …show more content…
Forum" where a committee would travel across Canada to hear citizen's opinion about the future of Canada's Constitution. Referendum of 1995:
In 1994, Premier Jacques Parizeau called a referendum, the separation of Quebec from the rest of Canada.
The result of the vote was 49.4 % YES and 50.6% NO for sovereignty. PM Chretien sent the question of Quebec separating with Canada to the Supreme Court. This followed the court ruling with a “Clarity Bill.”
Trudeau and Quebec The October Crisis:
October 5, 1970, FLQ members kidnapped James Cross, five days later they kidnapped Pierre Laporte.
Pierre Trudeau asked the government, who’s under the civil rights of the War Measure Act is to be arrested and detained anyone without charges with an offence.
The kidnappers wanted a permitted safe passages to Cuba and granted political asylum in exchange for the captive release an
The PQ in Power:
Parti Quebecois founded by Rene Levesque. In 1970 election, Levesque and his party had a stunning victory.
Rene promised that he would hold a province-wide referendum on independence.
The Parti Quebecois pass the Bill 101, a law made to make French an official language of the province. (Charter of the French Language) The 1980 Referendum:
In 1980, Levesque promised a political future for Quebec, based on sovereignty-association. Levesque asked Quebecers to vote "yes" to giving his government to negotiate an agreement with Canada.
PM Trudeau promised a constitution where no side wins, where Quebec wanted an equal partner in the Confederation and distinct society within Canada. Patriating the Constitution:
Prime Minister Trudeau wanted to revise the Constitution, which the British North America (BNA) Act has been in Canada's Constitution since 1867.
In Quebec, Levesque feared that the Charter could be used to overrule the language law or any legislation that might be passed to protect Quebec’s society.
On April 17, 1982, a new proposed Constitution Act was signed by Queen Elizabeth II and PM Trudeau, but Quebec government refused to sign the Constitution.
The Roots of Quebec Nationalism The Duplessis Era:
Premier Maurice Duplessis and his party Union Nationale controlled Quebec.
Premier Maurice Duplessis goal was to not give any Quebec's provincial power to the rest of Canada. The Quiet Revolution:
1960 after Duplessis died
Jean Lesage and his party Liberals came to power.Their slogan was"Time for a change"
Lesage first step was to take out corruption,reducing social inequalities and build a society where citizens have the same rights. The Birth of Separatism:
Francophone Quebecers became angry towards English-Canadians.
Front de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ) a group of terrorist, fought Quebec to be free.
In 1967, Rene Levesque formed Parti Quebecois, he believed that Quebec and Canada would be better to separate peacefully than to continue a marriage of two cultures. Ottawa's Response:
Lester Pearson became the prime minister, he was convinced that Canada would face a crisis unless the French were made feel at home in Canada.
Pearson suggests that Canada should have a new flag, he chose a maple leaf to symbolizes
Canadians This created tensions between French and English.