Meech Lake accord and Charlottetown Accord can be defined as attempts of Canadian government to make Quebec rejoin the Canadian Constitutional family. P.M Brian Mulrooney wanted that Quebec should symbolically rejoin the Canadian Constitutional family. Therefore, the new premier of Quebec, Robert Bourassa, was asked to outline conditions for such reunion. Mulrooney and premiers met at Meech Lake in April 1987 and agreed on a document that addressed Quebec’s demand and was known as Meech Lake Accord. Prior to this accord government of Quebec “opted out” of the new Charter Of Rights to maximum extend possible under sec. 33 by introducing a “notwithstanding clause” into each of its existing statutes and into every newly acted statues. In addition, the government also refused to participate in new constitutional amendments. Quebec’s this behavior was the result of curbing of its powers by Charter of Rights. Quebec government announced five conditions, these were: (i) Constitutional recognition of Quebec as a “distinct society”. (ii) A veto on constitutional amendments. (iii) Increased jurisdiction over immigration. (iv) participation in Supreme Court appointments. (v) Financial compensation when Quebec opted out of national programs set by Ottawa within provincial jurisdiction. In 1991 a new set of ambitious negotiations began and it was believed that these negotiations would cure everybody’s constitutional discontent as well as Quebec’s. In 1992 the eleven first ministers reached an agreement at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. The Charlottetown Accord included all the elements of Meech LakeAccord, and much else besides. For example, regarding the division of legislative powers, it provided for exclusive provincial jurisdiction over forestry, mining and some other areas. It had four main parts : Canada Clause, a Triple-E senate, Aboriginal self-government, and changes to division of powers. The "Canada Clause" set out the values that define the
Meech Lake accord and Charlottetown Accord can be defined as attempts of Canadian government to make Quebec rejoin the Canadian Constitutional family. P.M Brian Mulrooney wanted that Quebec should symbolically rejoin the Canadian Constitutional family. Therefore, the new premier of Quebec, Robert Bourassa, was asked to outline conditions for such reunion. Mulrooney and premiers met at Meech Lake in April 1987 and agreed on a document that addressed Quebec’s demand and was known as Meech Lake Accord. Prior to this accord government of Quebec “opted out” of the new Charter Of Rights to maximum extend possible under sec. 33 by introducing a “notwithstanding clause” into each of its existing statutes and into every newly acted statues. In addition, the government also refused to participate in new constitutional amendments. Quebec’s this behavior was the result of curbing of its powers by Charter of Rights. Quebec government announced five conditions, these were: (i) Constitutional recognition of Quebec as a “distinct society”. (ii) A veto on constitutional amendments. (iii) Increased jurisdiction over immigration. (iv) participation in Supreme Court appointments. (v) Financial compensation when Quebec opted out of national programs set by Ottawa within provincial jurisdiction. In 1991 a new set of ambitious negotiations began and it was believed that these negotiations would cure everybody’s constitutional discontent as well as Quebec’s. In 1992 the eleven first ministers reached an agreement at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. The Charlottetown Accord included all the elements of Meech LakeAccord, and much else besides. For example, regarding the division of legislative powers, it provided for exclusive provincial jurisdiction over forestry, mining and some other areas. It had four main parts : Canada Clause, a Triple-E senate, Aboriginal self-government, and changes to division of powers. The "Canada Clause" set out the values that define the