Next, the Dutch joined in on the colonization of the New World. The first Dutch Settlements were in Fort Orange, New Amsterdam, and Manhattan Island. New Netherland’s population grew as it drew refugees from Europe and the West India Company offered patroonships to wealthy Dutchmen to populate the area with farmers. However, there were a few conflicts with Native Americans around New Amsterdam, weakening the colony and making it seem like a wasted investment.
The English first settled in Jamestown, Virginia, a very unhealthy, swampy area. As a result, many people died and there was a very harsh winter. John Smith saved the colony by enforcing the “work to eat” rule, but chaos soon returned when he was …show more content…
injured and went back to England. In 1619, women were sent to the colony, Africans arrived, and the House of Burgesses was organized. However, there was still no profit made until John Rolfe introduced the tobacco crop, which would become the colony’s main source of profit. The colony of Maryland also aroused during this time as a refuge for Catholics. However, when Calvert died, Maryland became mostly Protestant. Maryland eventually resorted to bringing in indentured servants and growing tobacco for profit, just like Virginia.
In 1620, the Plymouth colony was founded by the Pilgrims, a group of separatists from the Church of England.
They settled in Plymouth and wrote the Mayflower Compact as a set of laws to govern themselves. However, Plymouth never became very successful. The Puritans, who founded Massachusetts, were reformers of the Anglican Church as well, but not complete separatists. Under John Winthrop, they wanted their community to set an example for the Church. Connecticut was also founded after settlers defeated the Pequot tribe in a bloody war and created a government known as the Fundamental Orders. Roger Williams founded Rhode Island as a colony of religious tolerance, which filled up with refugees. As for everyday life, New England settlers lived in towns, rather than on tobacco
fields. Due to Columbus's discovery, Spain owned all of the Caribbean islands. However, the French, Dutch, and English came in competition for this area during the 17th century. The English found sugar to be a huge rich in the area, thus, starting the heavy use of slavery, and the passing of the slave codes.
In 1663, Charles II gave a group of people land called the “Carolinas”. However, due to their differences, the colony split into North and South Carolina. At the same time, William Penn created Pennsylvania as a refugee for the Quakers. Additionally, in 1664 Charles II decided that he wanted New Netherland for England. The Dutch surrendered without a fight and the colonies New York and New Jersey were created.