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6. What role did New Amsterdam have in the development of England’s colonial structure in North America? What was their role as mid-Atlantic colonies? What has been their historical/social/economic/political and religious impact on contemporary United States?
The Dutch has a sensible impact on the colonial structure of the New World. In 1609, only two years after the founding of the settle of Jamestown, Virginia, the Dutch asked for help from the West India Company in order to find the North West Passage. Chartering Captain Hudson for the Voyage, the Dutch began across the Atlantic to search. Instead of finding the North West Passage, however, Hudson found a great expanse of land and a bay that was later named after him. New Amsterdam is the area known now as the Hudson Valleys, New York City, New Jersey, etc. These settlements will go on to influence the English settlements along the coast with their pragmatism and accepting natures. The Dutch settlements took on a tone much like the mother country in that people found religious haven, acceptance, and success. New Amsterdam would go on to grow into the largest port area in the Americas and would become extremely successful because of that. …show more content…
The framers of the U.S.
Constitution were influenced by the Constitution of the Republic of the United Provinces, though that influence was more as an example of things to avoid than of things to imitate. Adding to this, essentially the Declaration of Independence of the United Provinces from the Spanish Throne is strikingly similar to the later American Declaration of Independence. Now gaining the tolerance, success, and legal structure; The Dutch have influenced us more than most people would believe. By 1618, the New Amsterdam colonies would be the most powerful mercantile economy in the North Americas, making it the most successful of all the colonial structures up to this
time. Historically, the Dutch colonies were open to any and all people. They housed many religions, schools of thought, and intellectuals. By opening their ports to all of the colonial systems (the English, French, Spanish, etc.), they became the most powerful system to be set up to date. The Dutch have leant us stories too. Folklore was a big form of entertainment during this period and of course stories and old tales were exchanged back and forth. Today, we continue to draw from the Dutch spirit within us all. Our entire centered vision on human rights at this day in age is a Dutch concept. The English didn’t have this concept, neither did the French or Spanish. Our political system was built using bits and pieces from the Dutch legal structure; whether for things to do or things not to do. However, the point is that, without the Dutch, past and present, America would look like a very different place today. Who is to say how though?