We are in the early 60`s and the province of Quebec is seeing a lot of change. The economic, demographic and social status of the province is tangible. The province is entering in what we call The Quiet Revolution. The French are decreased compared to the rest of the Anglophone population. A desire of protecting the French culture in the province is becoming more and more important. It was then the perfect opportunity for the FLQ, an independent revolutionary group to take the power of Quebec to try to shake up the things and imposed their radical vision of a free province of Quebec. In his paper I will then present the history and achievement of the FLQ according to the work of David Charters. “The Amateur …show more content…
It marked the French-Canadians background but also all the country in general. Yet that was not due to the power of the group; Charters precise that the FLQ was an amateur organization compared to other big international terrorist association, but because of the social and economic context of the period. The point of Charters is to show how the inexperienced and bad planning of the FLQ leads them to their failure, even though there was a great opportunity of revolution in the province at that period. Charters devised his work into four parts. The first parts consist of the political culture in which the FLQ emerged. The second part is about the organizational section of the FLQ. The third part discussed the goals and strategies of the FLQ and the last part explain the results of the FLQ. Charters begin his longest point with the political background that was in place in Quebec during that period. The …show more content…
There is not a lot of episode in our past that required the help of the army like that. After reading both text I can affirm that even though the FLQ was an amateur group they were able to make shocking moves. Hopefully nothing like that will happen in the future. Violence and terrorism are not a way to defend our point of view. Regarding what his happening in Ukraine recently, I feel happy that we can now have diversify democratic parties that can allow everyone to shared his vision and opinion without using violence. Everyone should feel concern in a multicultural Quebec society, not only one