. honesty . spontaneous . loyalty . lively . kindness . motivated . caring . friendly . confidence . understanding . reliable . nice
2. Look at the cover.
What do you think it tells you about the story?
The cover tells me about Adventures and Freedom. It also looks like fun and imagination. The main character is a boy as shown on the cover.
What do you think the title means? Bridge to Terabithia sounds like a journey or an experience, therefore I think it means ‘experience’.
What is a bridge?
A bridge is a piece of equipment used for crossing over land or water to get to another place. It is structured, and designed by a builder, or a bridge designer. All bridges are made for a purpose.
What can a bridge symbolize?
A bridge symbolizes the change of something, moving on from a situation or just courage, meaning to have the strength to change yourself or something in your life.
3. Compare and contrast Jess’ and Leslie’s families. In what ways are their families similar to and different from yours?
Jess’ Family – Jess’ family are not very wealthy and cannot afford much. Jess and his siblings attend a public school and catch the school bus to school. Jess feels unloved and not cherished in his family, his parents, especially dad work very hard for barely anything. Jess has a wild imagination, he is very creative too. Jess’ family are religious and attend church weekly.
Leslies Family- Both of Leslie’s parents are writers. Leslie’s family live on a farm, in a little town. They value family time and traditions and have lots of love and compassion in their family. Leslie’s family are not poor, but choose not to be greedy and go without things that are not necessities, such as televisions and game consoles.