Her parents got jobs to try and generate a stable income for themselves to live off of, enroll them in school, and her dad acknowledges her request to stop drinking. Even though her childhood was not very enjoyable, her parents try to make it up by obtaining jobs so they could have the bare essentials. Jeanette’s father, who is extremely intelligent, worked in the barite mine as an electrician trying to bring home a stable income for his family to ensure the best success for his kids. “ The barite mine where Dad worked had a commissary, and the mine owner deducted our bill and the rent for the depot out of Dad’s paycheck every month. At the beginning of each week, we went to the commissary and brought home bags and bags of food” (Walls 56). The effect of getting money to pay for food was huge for this family because when they had no money left, their kids would go through the garbage and trying to find leftover food from others to ensure they don’t get hungry. Jeanette’s parents are the only source of income and if his father lost his
Her parents got jobs to try and generate a stable income for themselves to live off of, enroll them in school, and her dad acknowledges her request to stop drinking. Even though her childhood was not very enjoyable, her parents try to make it up by obtaining jobs so they could have the bare essentials. Jeanette’s father, who is extremely intelligent, worked in the barite mine as an electrician trying to bring home a stable income for his family to ensure the best success for his kids. “ The barite mine where Dad worked had a commissary, and the mine owner deducted our bill and the rent for the depot out of Dad’s paycheck every month. At the beginning of each week, we went to the commissary and brought home bags and bags of food” (Walls 56). The effect of getting money to pay for food was huge for this family because when they had no money left, their kids would go through the garbage and trying to find leftover food from others to ensure they don’t get hungry. Jeanette’s parents are the only source of income and if his father lost his