Company and agency
Media centre company brief brand ad strategy approval creative brief
Creative execution approval media brief media planning approval production
media buying
The company brief
A good advertising brief will: • explain why you need an advertising activity; • define as closely as possible the objectives of your advertising activity; • place your advertising into the overall framework of your communication activities.
Writing a Brief for the Advertising Agency: TWIX
Brand positioning statement Twix is the functional and emotional synonymous for an active crunch and chew eating experience. To support positioning
• The distinct chewy/crunchy texture given by the chocolate, caramel, biscuit combination. • Twix is widely available, all the variants give the same sensory experience.
Brand Character Youthful, contemporary, appealing to teenagers - but should not alienate older age groups. Source of business Filled bars, hybrid chocolate bars, and other sweet snacks (e.g. ice cream Twix)
Writing a Brief for the Advertising Agency: TWIX
Aim of Communication
* To raise saliency of the TWIX core brand, to generate greater brand loyalty and increased purchase frequency. * To celebrate TWIXness by demonstrating that `the mix is greater than the sum of its parts’. (X>a+b+c): * To create a brand communication capable of co-existing with TWIX extension(s) advertising and flavour variants ( e.g. Peanut Butter US).
TV advertising.
Target of Communication
Media target: 16 to 34, Copy creative: 20 yr old. In essence a broad mix of people and ages, all having a common savvy attitude to life, who are fast followers, rather than instigators of trends.
Writing a Brief for the Advertising Agency: TWIX
Key product characteristics description
• Distinct layers of candy and cookie covered in chocolate. • A combination of contrasting