Abstract: This paper analyses the discourse of 90 English major prostgraduate students from Xuzhou Normal University, and points out the problems about their English intonation, proposes to strengthen the awareness of the importance of students' intonation, to improve their intonation situation with some teaching methods.
Keywords: discourse analysis English major intonation
Chapter One Introduction Intonation is the key to foreign language learning, the correct pronunciation and intonation is the basis for successful communication, plays an important role in reading, writing and translating. So, how are the intonation situation of the English major and how to strengthen the intonation teaching? With these questions, professor Mu Fengying made a intonation record for postgraduate students, in order to have a further studying.
1 Brief introduction of this record 1.1 Background of these students: the 90 English major students are from Xuzhou Normal University, they as prostgraduates are now in their first semester. In addition, according to entrance examination scores, most students were in the same level in the ability of learning English. 1.2 The form of this record: The way of record is the live recording. Students are recorded in a closed lab. The selected recording material as follows: a three-minute free talk on a given topic, a short article 'Thirteen the equals one" of New Conception English Book, 133 words containning vowels and consonants which are not new words. The record does not allow students to prepare before they entering the lab. After they have scanned the material, they will have two minutes for preparation. Then, the record begins.
Chapter Two Discourse Analysis According to the analysis, some students (about 20%) are mostly correct in pronunciation, intonation and tone. They have some knowledge about manners and places of articulation, and