The Profit is a popular reality television show which is broadcasted worldwide but originates in America. The show premiered in 2013 and there are 5 seasons, with 18-20 episodes in each season, which still continues today. Marcus Lemonis is the main character, who is a Lebanese-born American businessman and investor. He is currently the chairman and CEO of Camping World, Good Sam Enterprises, Gander Outdoors and The House Boardshop (CNBC, 2018). Lemonis also has a net worth of over $900 million. In the show, Marcus Lemonis offers a large amount to invest in the company for a percentage of the ownership in that company to potentially save it from liquidation or bankruptcy. Lemonis’ job is to fix failing businesses, make tough decisions …show more content…
Firstly he speaks to Brian- who is a new employee. Lemonis establishes the fact that Brian is going to have to work hard and things will not be easy at the business. Lemonis also speaks to other employees and he notices that there is far too much inventory in the store and over selection is harmful to the business. Next, he observes that the bar is hidden in the corner so the layout of the bar is ineffective. Lemonis finds out that the bar generates most of the revenue therefore he knows that he needs to change it. Lemonis also notices that the kitchen is way too small to get any sufficient work done in. He realises that the employees are committed to their jobs and they are what is keeping the business going even though there are a lot of unresolved problems. Lemonis receives feedback from all the employees that there is a lack of leadership and the co-owners have neglected the employees. This is a severe and detrimental problem that Lemonis picks up. The employees have formed a leadership team which includes Dan, Mike and …show more content…
When Lemonis confronts Greg about being absent, he lies and derives a pathetic excuse by saying that the employees have been there for a while and that they know how to run things. Lemonis studies the financials and is prepared to make a deal with both Greg and Bill- the co-owners. Lemonis offers $300 000 for 51% of the business and wants the employees to get 25% of the business which leaves the co-owners with the remainder. The co-owners are shocked by the unfair offer but know that their business is on the verge of collapsing thus, they accept the