not be able to comprehend speech, however they could produce it with error. With that being said, the temporal lobe controls comprehension and since the damage was near the auditory cortex the patients with this damage will not be able to comprehend. In addition, these two men shared the same localization of language in the left hemisphere, but Mr. Wernicke went a step further to subdivide the left hemisphere to serve two different language functions; A frontal lobe controls expressions and the temporal lobe controls comprehension.
not be able to comprehend speech, however they could produce it with error. With that being said, the temporal lobe controls comprehension and since the damage was near the auditory cortex the patients with this damage will not be able to comprehend. In addition, these two men shared the same localization of language in the left hemisphere, but Mr. Wernicke went a step further to subdivide the left hemisphere to serve two different language functions; A frontal lobe controls expressions and the temporal lobe controls comprehension.