When thinking about families surviving in poverty, one could only …show more content…
In particular, families themselves makes difficult living situations feasible, despite all the setbacks. This microsystem factor, immediate family, tends to have a loving effect on most people’s development. For instance, in the Hispanic cultures family is the main focal point in the household, they practice the tradition of familism. Familism teaches the idea that all family members are interdependent and must always have an obligation to help out the family at all costs. In other terms, family needs are more significant and come before individual needs, thus all decisions made are based off the benefitting the family. (Howe, 2018) Due to the practice of familism, many families remain to have strong relationship bonds with each other. As stated by so and so, multiple Mexican-American parents who use familism values tend to be more engaged in their children’s lives. Hence, leading to a better-communicated household. This strong communicate and close bond is what make healthy home environments for children to grow in. Ultimately, leading to many great developing skills including, loyalty, communication, coping abilities, etc. In essence, poverty can encourage one’s family, especially Mexican-American families, to want to have a rich relationship with their family members to fill the economic …show more content…
Due to our Hispanic background, we lived based off the tradition familism religiously. In my experience, familism is a philanthropic view of families by always seeking to benefit the welfare of others. Familism transforms a person to create an unbreakable bond with the people you love the most, your family. This close bond generated comes as a convenience for people with similar personality traits as myself. Introverts, like myself, frequently have difficulties making friends and being social, particularly in their younger years. Ergo, to have this loving bond with family, specifically with my siblings, was my personal safety net growing up. I avoided being lonely in a significant part of my life. I was capable of developing healthy habits without having the pressure of feeling uncomfortable. To this day, my siblings are the go-to people that I can always count on. Furthermore, having a strong relationship with the microsystem factor, family, made living penniless easy. No matter the materials we had or had not, my family had each