In the book 50 Early Childhood Literacy Strategies (Beaty, J. 2013, p.26), children already know how to manipulate, master and make meaning of every object in their environment and we need to give them as many opportunities to be able to do this. Brown Bear Brown Bear what do you see? Introduces preschoolers to rhyming words and when they are finally able to master their identification without prompts, they become phonologically aware. A child who may be struggling to speak can listen to the story being read with a rhyming chant or finger plays to help him feel more comfortable during story time. Students can also become word detectives and work together to find rhyming words in the
In the book 50 Early Childhood Literacy Strategies (Beaty, J. 2013, p.26), children already know how to manipulate, master and make meaning of every object in their environment and we need to give them as many opportunities to be able to do this. Brown Bear Brown Bear what do you see? Introduces preschoolers to rhyming words and when they are finally able to master their identification without prompts, they become phonologically aware. A child who may be struggling to speak can listen to the story being read with a rhyming chant or finger plays to help him feel more comfortable during story time. Students can also become word detectives and work together to find rhyming words in the