Bruce Tuckman
Bruce Tuckman has a theory which contains of four stages; these are forming, storming, norming and performing. His theory is about group development. The first stage is forming, this is when a group is reliant on one particular leader, if the leader is not there and someone else tries to take charge then the confusion starts. The leader makes sure every individual is aware of their role, if the leader does not make them aware, then their roles and responsibilities are unclear. For example in a class room everyone will be speaking to each other, when the teacher comes in and tells everyone to settle down then they will do so. The second stage is storming, at this stage everyone hasn’t settled into a task, they are all busy chatting amongst their selves and deciding who should be in charge. Decisions don’t come easily within a group it takes some time to come to an agreement. You start to form your own cliques and groups. People in the group may challenge each other in order to come out on top. Being focused it top priority for every individual, concentrating on achieving their goals and not being distracted by relationships and emotional issues, to enable progress to be made you may have to compromise within the group members. The third stage is Norming, this is when all members of the group have come to agreement on their roles and have accepted their individual responsibilities. Big decisions are made amongst group agreement were as minor decisions may be given to individuals or small groups within the whole group. Within the group commitment is getting stronger and unity is made everyone has a clear picture of what is happening. Now all the problems are over fun and social activates can now take place within the group and the leader has now earned every members respect and trust. The last stage is performing, the team is more strategically aware; the team members know what they are doing and why they are doing so,